Let’s talk about: home away from home is a refugee integration program currently operating in Nakivale Camp in Eastern Uganda. This program focuses on achieving gender equity by not leaving women refugees behind when it comes to women’s liberation.
This project has three main programs :
- Library program (Nice and sharp book club).
- Education program (reinforcement).
- Entrepreneurship program.
I am Anaiz Muhesi the coordinator of the project home away from home I will accompany you and inform you every week by video or notes to make you aware of everything that takes place in this project so be ready to travel with me on this journey of a home far from home.

To start, I would like to talk about myself.
As previously mentioned, I am Anaiz, a Congolese refugee. In 2016 after the death of my father (may he rest in peace) I fled my country with my mother and my three little siblings because of insecurities and found myself in Uganda, before flying my country, I had a life, studies and dreams, vision and objective, but I left everything behind. It is quite a heartbreaking moment to find yourself at cross-roads between your survival and a life you once knew.
Arriving in Uganda became the start of my 3-year-long survival journey until I started volunteering in a refugee organization here in Nakivale apple (CEBUNA). This is where my career with Choose Yourself began, and I began to pick myself up again. I became a librarian, educational facilitator, and now I am the project coordinator.

This program has given me back the taste of life. It has taught me a lot of things about professional life, the strength of group work, improved my writing skills to a point where I could write good reports. Working with CY has improved my way of living and in the community I became an example for other girls.
This experience has also given hope to my single as currently, I am able to pay the school fees of my two little brothers and sister.
As part of creating hope for other refugee communities; I invite you to follow every Thursday, our news and stories about life at the camp.
Thank you.