After going through and surviving one of the toughest years ever for most of us because of the
COVID Pandemic and the lockdown, the last Girl Talk in Zambia of 2021 was exactly what we all
needed. Sitting across the young ladies and hearing them pour out their fears about rape and
rape culture we all felt safe at that moment with and related to each other. We have had a
bigger attendance as far as Girl Talk Zambia goes but the impact of this particular one was not
any less.
When discussing more elaborately on what rape culture is, it was alarming to learn that some
of the girls have been through secondary education and now attending the topmost university
in the country had never heard of the term ‘Rape Culture’. Hearing how they had been blamed
for sexual harassment, assault and actually going through life believing these things they had
been told. After our talk, a huge weight of having to be perfect in order to be safe but still not
quite safe was lifted off our shoulders was amazing.

We spoke about Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights and bodily autonomy, shared
information on different contraceptive options and health facilities that are youth-friendly and
free of “judgment” (as these are scarce) in Lusaka. At the end of the session a strong sense of
sisterhood, belonging, and confidence was visible because of the knowledge we all shared
amongst each other.
As Girl Talk, Zambia continues into a new year creating these safe and information-filled spaces
will continue to be on our agenda and the impact of these will be seen for years to come.
Tendai T Miti,
Girl Talk Zambia Coordinator.